Your Session

The Process

Your journey begins before you even arrive for your session! Your higher self is already at work by the time you schedule your appointment. Everything that is meant to happen will happen including the right timing with the right practitioner. Once your intention is set the process has begun.

On the day of your session you will arrive with your list of questions to ask your Higher Self (also know as the Over Soul, Subconscious, God-Self, Super Conscious, etc.). This is the part of you that knows your true self and all of your experiences. The questions can be any you choose. Most people focus on physical health questions in one list and life or personal questions in another. We will spend the first part of our time together talking and getting to know each other. We will go over your life experiences, the highs and lows and the important people and experiences. We will go over your list of questions and your intentions for the session. Then will discuss the hypnosis process and how best to reach the deepest state of relaxation. The most amazing part of this technique is how natural and organic it is! It is so easy for anybody to enter this state of trance and as your practitioner I will be right there with you to offer encouragement, guidance, and support.

After the interview portion we will take a short break where you can use the restroom, have water, and a snack. We will get you cozy, comfortable, and relaxed on the table. At that point I will use my voice to gently guide you into a deep state of hypnosis. This is a very natural process and it will feel like I am simply telling you a story as you relax.

Once you have reached the deepest state of relaxation you will be shown a past life experience. You may visit only one or possibly several lives. We use the term past life but this can also be referred to as simply a story related to issues you are dealing with in your current experience. It is also possible you may have other experiences such as visiting memories from your current life. Your Higher Self will always take you to whatever it is you need to see, to answer your questions and get to the core of the issues you are encountering. It is full of love and only shows you what you are ready to see. Once you can see and understand where an issue began you can then release, heal, and move on.

After we complete the past life journey, you will then be easily guided to directly access your Higher Self. This is the part of you that knows everything about you in this life and beyond. It is the part of us we know as intuition, gut feelings, and that communicate through dream symbolism. It often speaks through us without our conscious awareness. Once we are connected we are able to get answers to your questions as well as scan the body for issues, whether known or unknown. It is a beautiful process where your Higher Self uses your voice to communicate. It is truly amazing to witness! And it is so magical to hear yourself answering your own questions.

Once the session is complete I will gently guide you out of the trance state. We will then discuss what occurred and what you are able to remember. We will go over all the amazing insights brought through in the session! Often people will experience immense awe at the feeling of fully channeling their Higher Self. It is an experience that is hard to put into words. You truly will not be the same individual that walked through the door. A QHHT session is a multi-dimensional event that is transformative, healing, and elevating. It brings great clarity in understanding how to maintain a connection with your Higher Self to continue to receive this beautiful guidance. You will receive a digital recording of your hypnosis experience so that you may revisit the journey again and again.

How to Prepare

Preparing for a session can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. This is a life-changing journey and a magical leap into the unknown. Each session is completely unique to each individual. Below are some practical steps that you can take to prepare.

Prepare a list of questions before your session. Focus the questions on two lists, one of physical or health questions and one of life or personal questions. You may write as many questions as you wish. If you have a long list make sure to put the higher priority questions at the top. I will always do my best to answer all of the questions in the time we have. Please write or print the questions on paper and bring them with you to the session.

Set your intention before your session. Your aim to have a great session is very important! Your higher self is ready for this connection to be made but your conscious self (also called the ego mind) still needs to be reminded that it will only be the observer in this experience. It thinks it has all the answers but really knows very little. A great way to work on this is to repeat to yourself multiple times everyday “I connect easily and clearly to my Higher Self.” Not that you WILL connect but that you DO connect. Repeating this begins to build that powerful connection.

Keep an open mind as to the possibilities of what a session can do for you. Working in the quantum truly shows you that anything is possible and the more that you just allow the process to unfold, the deeper you can go with the experience. The best advice for this is to try not to have any expectations so that you may receive what you need and what your Higher Self wants to show you. It may be something beyond what you can even imagine now!

Take care of your physical well-being before the session. Try to avoid alcohol the night before and day of your session. Eliminate or minimize your caffeine intake. Eat well before your session as we will be spending the day together. If you take medications continue them as prescribed.

Meditation is a wonderful way to practice quieting the ego-mind. If you have regular practice try to do so before your session. If you do not meditate, find something that helps you reach a calm state. Like listening to calming music or walking in nature.

The hypnosis portion will be audio-recorded and sent to you when the session is finished. You may remember portions or most of the session but it is often like a dream that will fade with time. The recording is a powerful tool that you can always come back to. It is important to listen to the recording as it helps to process the experience and allows the healing and transformation to continue.

Your session is private and meant to be one on one with the practitioner. While you may wish for another individual to sit in on the session, it is important for the process that it be solely focused on you. It is incredibly important for you to feel safe and able to be fully vulnerable. Even those we love most may influence how we perceive and experience the session. You may share your recording with whomever you wish!

Relaxing into trance is easy! This experience feels so natural and organic, you won’t even realize as you go deeper and deeper. We reach this state of trance twice a day naturally right as we wake up and go to sleep. It is the state in between dreaming and wakefulness. Everybody can do it as they relax, let go, and allow.

Physical healing is possible and has happened for many. I have personally witnessed physical healing and experienced it myself through QHHT. It is never me as the practitioner doing the healing. When your struggles are made understandable and you can see the reasons for your circumstances, you can let go and move on in your life.

All answers lie within is at the core of a QHHT session. It allows you to go beyond knowing this in the mind but actually experiencing and feeling it. The channel to your all-knowing Higher Self is fully opened and you are filled with the light, love, and the knowledge of your true self. This shows you at the deepest level that you are your own greatest guide and teacher.

My intention as the practitioner is to guide and support you through this journey. I take this very seriously and I have great reverence for the process and your experience. My goal is to assist you in finding the answers you seek so that you may live your greatest life. You will have one hundred percent of my attention and focus through your session. The best part of this whole experience is understanding that you have all of your answers, I am really just a chaperone and witness to your own revelations.

Below you will find a video from Level 3 practitioner Suzanne Spooner. Suzanne has been an amazing friend and mentor in guiding me to be the best practitioner I can. You can find Suzanne at In the short video she explains her tips for having a successful session. These are simple but powerful. If you can follow these easy directions you are sure to have an amazing experience!

If you have any questions about your session please contact me, I am always happy to answer questions. A non-refundable deposit will be requested to schedule your session. If at any point you need to cancel or reschedule, contact me as soon as possible. Payments are electronically accepted via Venmo or PayPal. I can also accept card payments, checks, or cash in person